Authors are invited to submit original papers in PDF format to the submission website.
Submission Type
The workshop provides a platform to share results, valuable critiques, and broad discussion papers. Therefore, HotDiML invites researchers and practitioners to submit four different types of papers, namely:
- position papers offering a constructive critique of state-of-the-art DiML approaches or their implementation in real-world scenarios
- experimental evaluation papers, presenting preliminary (un)successful or unexpected results on novel ideas
- research papers providing thorough insights on challenges and open questions regarding the design and adoption of DiML systems
- report papers presenting valuable lessons learned while proposing and/or testing promising but unproven ideas.
The papers submitted at HotDiML should have the potential to open a new line of research for the community, where the authors can benefit from community feedback.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions to the Workshop must be original and unpublished and must not be submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere. All submissions should follow the IEEE 8.5″ x 11″ two-column format using 10pt fonts and the IEEE Conference template downloadable by selecting “Conferences” in the IEEE-Template Selector at this link.
Each submission can have up to 6 pages of main text (including figures, tables) and up to 2 pages of appendices and references. Submissions exceeding this page limit or with smaller fonts will be desk-rejected without review. The review process is singe/double-blind review.
Note that the authors should adhere to ethic and professional standards of IEEE. Please refer to IEEE Code of Ethics and IEEE Policy of AI-Generated Text.